This article demonstrates how to implement code analysis and Static Application Security Testing (SAST) using SonarCloud and GitHub Actions. The solution involves building a secure web application with ASP.NET Core for the backend and an Angular UI for the frontend, following a backend-for-frontend security architecture. Both the ASP.NET Core (C#) codebase and the Angular (TypeScript […]

This article shows how to implement a secure .NET 8 Blazor Web application using OpenID Connect and security headers with CSP nonces. The NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders nuget package is used to implement the security headers and OpenIddict is used to implement the OIDC server. Code: OpenIddict is used as the identity provider and an OpenID connect […]

This article shows how to implement a web application using backend for frontend security architecture for authentication and consumes data from a downstream API protected using a JWT access token which can only be accessed using an app-to-app access token. The access token is acquired using the OAuth2 client credentials flow and the API does […]

This article shows some of the base conditional access policies which can be implemented for all Microsoft Entra ID tenants. Phishing resistant authentication should be required for all administration flows and some other user policies like sign-in risk MFA or terms of conditions. I recommend these base policies when implementing an Microsoft Entra ID tenant […]

This article shows how to onboard different clients or organizations in an ASP.NET Core application to use separated Azure blob containers with controlled access using security groups and RBAC applied roles. Each user in a client group can only access a single blob storage and has no access to blob containers belonging to different clients. […]

This article shows how an ASP.NET Core application can control the write access to an Azure blob storage container using an application app registration. Microsoft Entra ID is used to control the user access and to implement the authentication of the web application. Code: Blogs in this series The solution provides a secure upload […]

This article shows how to use a CSP nonce in a Blazor Web application using the InteractiveServer server render mode. Using a CSP nonce is a great way to protect web applications against XSS attacks and other such Javascript vulnerabilities. Code: Notes The code in this example was built using the example provided by […]

This article shows how to implement a secure upload and a secure download in ASP.NET Core using Azure blob storage. The application uses Microsoft Entra ID for authentication and also for access to the Azure Blob storage container. Code: Blogs in this series Security architecture The application is setup to store the file uploads […]

This article shows how to implement an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web application using Microsoft Entra ID for authentication. Microsoft.Identity.Web is used to implement the Microsoft Entra ID OpenID Connect client. Code: Note: I based this implementation on the example provided by Tomás López Rodríguez and adapted it. Setup The Blazor Web application is an […]

This article shows how to migrate a Blazor server application to a Blazor Web application. The migration used the ASP.NET Core migration documentation, but this was not complete and a few extra steps were required. The starting point was a Blazor Server application secured using OpenID Connect for authentication. The target system is a Blazor […]